get in touch with us

Before you contact us, please consult our page of frequently asked questionsIf you still have any queries, please get in touch with us by e-mail or telephone (between 9.30 am and 6 pm),and we will be pleased to help you.

how to reach us

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A TOp-QUALITY company SINCE 1989

Ever since 1989, Kayaks La Vanne has constantly sought to improve the standard of the services its offers to enhance the pleasure of kayak enthusiasts in the Ardennes.

Kayaks La Vanne is one of the few kayak rental companies in Belgium to have qualified for a single permit, which the Belgian authorities grant in recognition of the efforts made by operators to develop a high-quality service while strictly complying with the various environmental and urban planning standards.b3-permis-uniqueb2-nature-protection

The advantage of the single permit is it represents both a quality and safety guarantee that customers may depend upon. A distinction is also made between kayak rental professionals and those who do anything and everything.

Logo Federation Loueur Canoe Kayak Belgique” Kayak La Vanne” is also a recognised member of the Belgian Kayak Renters’ Federation.